This is a legacy archive of

This website was run until 2007~2010 by Iain Hodgman and became abandoned before the domain expired and was parked for ads.

Whereabouts of Iain are unknown, we haven't received any email from him in 15+ years.

The related LDDb Forum entry can be found here: The LASERFiLm Video Disc Thread (LFS-4400)

Home Page
Laserdisc Archive
Laserdisc Manuals    



McDonnell Douglas Laserdisc Archive

The majority of the pages are still under construction. Although they may contain pictures of the laserdisc players, the hardware specifications still need adding.

If you have any details on players not included on this page (there are many I can't find details for) or pictures and specifications for existing laserdisc players please email any details.

Many thanks

Archive Laserdisc Players- Analogue & Digital
Archive Laserdisc Combi Players
Archived Laserdisc/DVD Combi Players

McDonnell Douglas IFS-4400



Page updated 12th July 2004




Pioneer LD
Sony LD
Aiwa LD
Akai LD
Carver LD                 
Clarion LD
Columbia LD
Denon LD
Faroudja LD
Funai LD
Giga LD
Hitachi LD
Kenwood LD
Luxman LD
Magnavox LD
Marantz LD

McDonell Douglas

McIntosh LD
Mitsubishi LD
National LD
Onkyo LD
Panasonic LD
Philips LD
Pioneer LD
Proscan LD
Quasar LD
RDI Halcyon
Realistic LD
Runco LD
Samsung LD
Sansui LD
Sanyo LD
Sharp LD
Sony LD
Sylvania LD
Tandy LD
Teac LD
Technics LD
Telefunken LD
Theta LD
Toshiba LD
Yamaha LD
Zenith LD